Mind Transformation 354

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It’s so stupid to talk about a book until it’s read to the end. Now, I’ve finished “The Great Gatsby” and all this bullshit that I wrote before about the book is quite awkward. Perhaps my unreasonable expectation that every book, whether it’s a novel or not, has to contain some profound existential ideas causes this embarrassment left on previous pages. This Gatsby actually was a poor innocent “old sport” which at the end was murdered by an idiot. The stupidity of his lovely girl cost him his life. I really like the plot even if it’s just a fictional story made by a man to earn some money. When you’re at your 20s all this romantic shit means too much. Boys are ready to jump into the fire just to entertain their own fake projections which they made out of some female human beings. However, this story, of course, is not only about love and “American dream” as it may seem at the first glance. The end shows the hard truth about humans in general. They like to praise wealth and beauty, but when someone who has all these things suddenly loses them people immediately forget his name. The whole New York was gathered at Gatsby’s parties and almost no one came to the funeral.
I haven’t seen many characters in this story, so I can’t say that Fitzgerald revealed what Americans of 1920s were thinking about, but the life of the upper class described quite colorfully.
So, again, I wanna say that I changed my mind and this novel in my new opinion deserves to be called—whatever.
I also watch the movie “The Great Gatsby” today. I guess the movie added a little charm to my impression. Both the book and the movie complement each other. After reading the book it’s so easy to watch the movie in English and understand everything what’s going on there.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/06/17/1218